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Cristiano Ronaldo is one of the players who has  fans and … enemies.

Real Madrid's ace spoke on CNN and expressed wonder why people do not like stressing that he would like one day you'll meet people who accuse him and tell him arrogant.

Cristiano Ronaldo said: «I don't want to cry about that (laughs) but sometimes I think yes. Why? It's a question [that I don't always] give 100% the right answer to, because sometimes I really don't know. Maybe sometimes I agree. Maybe sometimes I have [a] bad image on the pitch because I'm too serious. But if you really know me, if you are my friend, [if I let you inside my house], if you share the day with me, you will know that I hate to lose.

The people who call me arrogant, most of them I would like to one day sit with them and you know, chat with them to see which way I am arrogant. Because I think they have to sit with me, to speak with me, to know who the real Cristiano is. I will describe myself as– I am a friend of who is my friend. I hate to lose. I'm honest. I'm a direct person. (Does he think he pays the price for being too honest, then?) Yes, sometimes yes. Definitely yes. But it is part of my education [as a player]».