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At school we learned several things. But some were completely wrong. See below what the 10 things you taught us and it was completely wrong …

1. O Einstein had bad grades in school

The truth is that Einstein had very good grades and his favorite subjects were physics and mathematics (random 😉

2. In mice like cheese

In mice like foods rich in sugar. So would prefer a chocolate from a piece of cheese.

3. Napoleon was short

Napoleon was 1.70, so for the time it was nowhere near as the 1.70 was the average height of men of that era.

4. The Thomas Edison invented the light bulb

The Edison invented many things (after all, was one of the greatest inventors) but was not the first who invented the light bulb. The Englishman Joseph Swan was the inventor.

5. The Lemmings do not commit suicide by falling in water

Many times we hear that Lemmings commit suicide by falling from high cliffs into the water. The truth is different, as the Lemmings do this for foraging in the water.

6. The flow of water is different in each hemisphere

This is not true.

7. Humans come from monkeys

Darwin never said that we come from monkeys. What I said is that man, monkeys and chimpanzees have a distant common ancestor.

8. The Vikings have horns on their helmets

The Vikings were buried with their helmets with horns who drank. So when they found in excavations thought that the horns came from the helmets.

9. Columbus believed the earth was flat

He did not know was how big the Earth, but never afraid to fall off the edge of …

10. Different parts of the tongue can taste the flavors

This is totally wrong as the tongue perceives all the flavors of any cell.