When the man with whom he was in love in the years of school did poke at facebook be felt through flaring of the old aisthima.What if though they were both married? Invited him to camp in the garden and had sex just 'the other' fall for sleep.When Sue McLean responded to e-teasing Alex McDonald knew deep down that is involved in an adventure that could change throughout their lives. Love from the years of desks had changed a lot these last 25 years who had contacts. The black hair had fallen and now his face was full of wrinkles. But. Her heart started pounding like it. From the very first conversations on facebook realized they were now faced with two major problems: the revival of their love and married life living with others. "When I revealed that he too felt like me, things began to evolve too quickly. He abandoned his wife and came to live in a scene that I hid in the garden not to see my husband, "reveals that 47chroni I met Alex at a disco in 1985 when she was 19 and he 16 years. They had only one year relationship but apparently failed to overcome the ever youthful love. They both married but Alex began frantically searching the internet until I found her on facebook. "I miss you. Thinking of you. I try to find you for 25 years, "wrote his first message. He took one months leave from his job, having gone through the 258 km separating them (in the Scottish countryside) a few times and lived again their love. "The what living in a small scene, especially on rainy cold nights of autumn , just to be near me, I think the most romantic thing in the world, "says Sue, who eventually found the courage to break up (with a message left on the kitchen table) and one year after the reconnection preparing to marry her lover. The two daughters (21 and 24 years respectively) and the former husband is still very angry with zefgari.The McLean still has not overcome the shock of the revelation that made him the favorite when they met after so many years: "I said that six weeks after we broke up she learned she was pregnant with my child. Not kept. If I had stayed close to her we could have a life and a child together. "