Orgasm … mystery to many men a source of frustration for many women.
Plus there is no reason to worry … A study of the brain helps scientists unlock the secrets of the female orgasm.
Using scanners scientists observed what parts of the brain "awake" orgasm.
The researchers discovered that there are at least two "recreational pathways".
The first is activated when a woman is alone, and fantasizes aftoikanopoieitai while the second after physical contact with her lover.
The findings were published in the journal "New Scientist" and come from two surveys. The first survey was conducted at the American University of New Jersey Rutgers led by Dr Barry Komisaruk.
The team analyzed MRI scans of women in the peak and complacency. They found increased activity in more than 30 parts of the brain including the prefrontal cortex, a region that controls functions such as decision making and imagination.
H second survey was conducted at the University of Groningen in the Netherlands led by Yannis Georgiadis. The team performed similar experiments, but this time the women have sex with their partner.
The researchers found that the same region of the brain "turns off" during orgasm! This means that a woman reaches orgasm when they left. Otherwise it can not reach climax.
In an interview with the British Daily Mail Dr. Georgiades said "I do not believe that orgasm is" closed "but the consciousness change.
When you ask someone how experienced orgasm, describes a sense of loss of control. Not sure if this situation helps to achieve greater pleasure or simply a side effect, "noted the researcher.